
  1. Hu, X. (2024) MoST: model specification test by variable selection stability. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, Forthcoming.

  2. Hu, X., Zhang, X. (2023) Optimal parameter-transfer learning by semiparametric model averaging. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 24(358), 1-53.

  3. Hu, X., Meng, Z. (2022) Using potential variable to study gene-gene and gene-environment interaction effects with genetic model uncertainty. Annals of Human Genetics, 86(5), 257-267.

  4. Zhang, S., Hu, X., Luo, Z., Jiang, Y., Sun, Y., Ma, S. (2021) Biomarker-guided heterogeneity analysis of genetic regulations via multivariate sparse fusion. Statistics in Medicine, 40(17), 3915-3936.

  5. Li, Y., Luo, Y., Ferrari, D., Hu, X., Qin, Y. (2019) Model confidence bounds for variable selection (with discussion). Biometrics, 75(2), 392-403.

  6. Li, Y., Luo, Y., Ferrari, D., Hu, X., Qin, Y. (2019) Rejoinder to Discussions on: Model confidence bounds for variable selection. Biometrics, 75(2), 411-413.

  7. Hu, X., Duan, X., Pan, D., Zhang, S., Li, Q. (2017) A model-embedded trend test with incorporating Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium information. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 30(1), 101-110.

  8. Hu, X., Zhang, W., Zhang, S., Ma, S., Li, Q. (2016) Group-combined p-values with applications to genetic association studies. Bioinformatics, 32(18), 2737-2743.