
  • 2024.06: International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA) China Conference, Wuhan, China.

  • 2023.06: The 24th Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Youth Symposium on Probability and Statistics, Beijing, China.

  • 2022.09: Beijing Applied Statistics Association Academic Symposium, Beijing, China.

  • 2017.04: The Third Symposium of High Dimensional Data Statistics Branch of Chinese Association for Applied Statistics, Xiamen, China.

  • 2016.04: The Second Symposium of High Dimensional Data Statistics Branch of Chinese Association for Applied Statistics, Kaifeng, China.

  • 2015.11: The 17th Annual Conference of Chinese Association for Applied Statistics, Huangshan, China.

Invited Talks

  • 2024.06: Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

  • 2023.12: Faculty of Science, Beijing University of Technology, China.

  • 2022.06: Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University, China.