Work Experience

  • Lecturer, Capital Normal University, 2023.08 to present.

  • Postdoctoral Fellow, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS, 2021.07 to 2023.07.

  • Data analyst, PCG, Tencent Co., Ltd., 2019.09-2021.06.

Education Experience

  • PhD in Statistics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2014.09-2019.07.

  • Joint PhD in Biostatistics, Yale University, 2017.09-2018.09.

  • B.Sc in Statistics, Shandong University, 2010.09-2014.07.


  • 2022.09: Excellent report award of academic symposium of Beijing applied statistics association, Beijing Applied Statistics Association.

  • 2017.09: President award of academy of mathematics and systems sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  • 2015.07: Merit student and outstanding student cadre, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  • 2014.07: Outstanding graduates of Shandong province, Human Resources and Social Security Department of Shandong Province.

  • 2013.04: MCM/ICM Meritorious Winner, The Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications.

  • 2012.12: CUMCM Provincial First Prize, China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

Peer Review Service

  • Statistical Papers

  • Journal of Systems Science and Complexity


  • Scientific Reports